Friday, May 22, 2009

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Formosa National Reserve: 10,000 acres for conservation and research

Iguazu National Park covers an area of \u200b\u200bapproximately 55,000 hectares. The soil is red. It rests on a base or melafido basalt. There are undulations on its soil for up to 30 m high cliffs and
The park was created in 1939 and includes one of the most famous natural wonders of South America around the , the Iguazú Falls, immersed in the tropical forest. Both Argentina and the Brazilian part of the park were added to the list of World Heritage Sites 's UNESCO, the first in 1984 and again in 1986.

The climate is humid subtropical with hot summers, the maximum usually exceeds 42 degrees Celsius.

It lies in the formation of subtropical forest, with trees whose height is between 15 and 40 meters. Among 250 plant species are found there: Guatambu blanco, laurel black and yellow, cancharama, Pind Aguayo, petiribi, incieso, Ibirité pita, soft rabo, Timbo or Pacar, ibapoi, Ortigia good, Tacuarembo, tacuaruzu, lianas, vines and epifitas (orchids, ferns, lilies of the axis), cedar, palo pink Ombu and palms.
The Iguazu River flows into the Paraná River 23 km downstream the falls, after a 1320 km long route. Inside the park is off more than 1,500 meters and its banks are home to trees such as'
Erythrina crista-galli
, whose flower is the symbol of Argentina.

Fauna: Mammals: Yaguarete, Annex onza, tapir, corzuela, paca, agouti, carpincho, comadreja, dare I Melero, Porcupine Tree, cai monkey, coati, raccoon, Huron mayor, ant bear, tateto, peccary , squirrel, Mock, ocellotto, gato de los montes, puma.

Reptiles: Lizard, rattle snake, viper, coral snake the cross.

Birds: Pappagalli, yacu, pato serrucho, tucani, zorzal, picchio, falcone, yucating, carau, rondine. Presso la Intendencia del parco si trova un museo dedicato alla sua fauna.

La regione del parco era abitata già 10.000 anni fa da cacciatori-raccoglitori, soppiantati nell'XI secolo dai Guaraní, i quali introdussero nuove tecniche agrarie.



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