La Cueva de las Manos (che in spagnolo significa Caverna delle Mani) è una caverna situata nella provincia argentina di Santa Cruz, 163 chilometri a sud della città di Perito Moreno, all'interno dei confini del Parco Nazionale Perito Moreno che comprende altri siti di importanza archeologica e paleontologica.
The main cave is 24 meters deep, with an entrance off the initial 15 meters and a height of 10 meters. Inside the cave the ground is tilted upward, while the height is reduced to no more than 2 meters.
images of hands are often negative, and besides these there are scenes of hunting, humans, llamas, rheas, cats and other animals and geometric figures and representations of the sun. Similar paintings, although fewer in number, are present in nearby caves. On the ceiling are red dots, probably derived from those populations in the ink by dipping the bolas and then pulling upward. The colors used to depict scenes ranging from red (hematite obtained) to white, black and yellow.
Most of the hands are left, which suggests that the "artists" tenessero tools that spray the ink with the right. The size of the hands look like those of a child of 13 years, but given that they are probably smaller than they were in reality, it is thought that the hands belong to people a few years older, in which case we may be faced with a ritual, leaving the imprint of his hand on the wall of the cave (probably sacred) could mean the passage from childhood to maturity.
In 1999, the Cueva de las Manos has been listed in UNESCO World Heritage Site.
page of the site on UNESCO's Cueva de las Manos
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