Friday, May 22, 2009

Exotic Reptile Pet A*

Peninsula Valdes, a natural paradise

to 1,200 from Buenos Aires is a of the finest wildlife reserves in the country: seals, sea lions, guanacos, rheas but mainly from May to December the Southern Right Whales are frequent visitors and many of the area of \u200b\u200bPeninsula Valdes.

The waters surrounding the right whale breeding area, have been declared national natural monument. The interior of the peninsula is formed by a depression of the continental lowest in the world (Grande and Salina Chica - 42 meters below sea level).

depart from Puerto Piramide regular trips Whalewatching. Punta Tombo, 110 km south of Punta Tombo, home to a colony of well half a million penguins, the largest nesting area in South America.


Peninsula Valdés (English Península Valdés ) is a peninsula along the Atlantic coast in the province of Chubut, Argentina. It covers an area of \u200b\u200babout 3.625 km ². The only inhabited is the village of Puerto Pyramides , while the nearest town is Puerto Madryn, about 50 km.

Much of the peninsula consists of barren land with some salt lake. The largest of these lakes is estimated at an altitude of 40 meters below sea level, and was until recently considered the lowest point of the whole of Argentina and South America.

is an important reserve naturale, designata Patrimonio dell'umanità dall'UNESCO nel 1999. La costa è abitata da mammiferi marini, come il leone marino sudamericano , l'elefante marino e la foca sudamericana .

La balena franca può essere inoltre avvistata nel Golfo Nuevo e nel Golfo San José , specchi d'acqua protetti, situati fra la penisola e la terraferma della Patagonia. Queste balene migrano in queste acque fra Maggio e Dicembre, per l'accoppiamento e il parto, poiché le acque nel golfo sono più calme e più calde che in mare aperto.

Anche l'Orca è visibile lungo la costa, nel mare aperto over the peninsula.

The interior of the peninsula is inhabited by rheas, guanacos and maras. The island also has a wide variety of birds: at least 181 species, 66 of which are migratory, living in the region, including the Antarctic pigeon.

With its wingspan of seven feet, the animal was an expert in gliding flight, obtained by taking advantage of the updrafts and detaching the flight points to very high as do many modern birds. "But once he was on an updraft, it could probably gain one or two kilometers of altitude without even a flutter, but simply maintaining a circular route. Once you gain altitude, he could switch to another updraft and thus runs up to 300 miles a day. He said Sankar Chatterjee, curator of the Museum of Paleontology Texas Tech University e coordinatore della ricerca. Dai ritrovamenti effettuati nella Formazione di Andalhuala, vicino a Catamarca, alle pendici delle Ande, nella Formazione di Epecuen nei pressi di Carhue, e nelle Salinas Grandes de Hidalgo, nella pampa argentina, risulta che molto probabilmente l’uccello non possedeva neppure la muscolatura in grado di sollevare la sua massa, stimata intorno ai 70 chilogrammi, né per mantenere un battito d’ali costante durante il volo


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