Friday, May 22, 2009

Endometriosis And Neck Pain

Parks and Nature Reserves Argentine

is 12 km from Libertador Gral. San Martín, on the provincial road No. 83. The surface is of 76,000 hectares. Most of the park is covered by Yungas forest transition up to 450 m, mountain forest up to 1,800 m and above the forests of the mountain at 2,500 m give way to alpine meadows that reach the highest peaks of the mountains .

Among the trees are typical of the area to notice the pile borracho, cedar, laurel, tipa blanca, the Lapacho rosado, La Quina and walnut. In the Yungas

, climatic conditions such as rain, humidity and temperature change abruptly with altitude between points still relatively close. So the valleys can enjoy a warm climate and less rain, less frequent frosts. In plain

temperatures are a bit 'lower and rainfall is less abundant. These circumstances determine the existence of a number of levels of vegetation are distinguished from each other.
The fauna is rich and varied, there are jaguars, puma, tapir, two species of peccary, two species of deer or corzuela of the mountains, yaguaretes, huemules, monkeys, squirrels and a variety of native birds.

As we climb the slopes, you leave the jungle and the traveler is evergreen with deciduous trees that form the so-called Bosque Montano. This training has to endure cold, dry winters and low rainfall (only 400 mm).
10 km 15 km
San Francisco

Valle Grande 20 km 70 km

S. de Jujuy

130 km 150 km

Oran Salta

170 km 1650 km Buenos Aires


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