Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Homemade Spiral Curling Iron


Well, here I am showing you my new creation, it is a while that I realized is there, hanging in my lab and keeps me company, it helps me to keep in mind that c 'is always someone waiting for me outside my world and maybe he needs me.
Today I thought it was time to share with you this works and thoughts that are accompanied with it.
It is no accident the moment as everything finds its proper place on the path that life has disegnatoper us ... ok I come to the point. This morning I met a friend on the phone that not so long sentivo, niente di grandioso, solo alcune parole di saluto, e qualche aggiornamento sulle nostre rispettive vite, sarà capitato anche a voi di reincontrare qualcuno e provare la sensazione che il tempo non fosse mai passato, questo è quello che intendo.
Credo che l'incontro con persone vere dia senso alla nostra esistenza e il loro valore fa la differenza della felicità nelle nostre giornate.Lei è una missionaria del Sermig, cioè del gruppo missionario giovanile, che ha sede a Torino, nell'arsenale della pace, ovvero, una vecchia fabbrica di armi convertita da migliaia di volontari in centro per l'accoglienza e servizio. Questa grandiosa realizzazione, nasce dal sogno di un uomo, Ernesto OLivero. http://www.sermig.it/ worth a ride on the site. This
starting my speech by friendship, after all what if you do not open up to others to bring out the best part of us?

Sunday, December 20, 2009

Do Probiotics Help With Bloating


Maybe this morning I got a little left to go to the poetry of the landscape, never makes it all so beautiful that I find it hard not to stop to contemplate ..

I could not resist, the camera could not let go of this wonder. I do not know where to look for the most beautiful Christmas decorations. The red berries on warm hearts, green leaves contrasts .... too much vitality and the beautiful white frame points out that it is almost Christmas.

Extract Digital Answering Machine

fantastic Christmas is closer

Yesterday morning the difficult awakening from the dream world was a little less difficult.

Surprise! From the small opening that I always like to leave when I close the shutters of the balcony you could see something new .... the snow! how wonderful landscape whitened, softened that magic.

course, in the midst of these thoughts fairy There was also the usual rational side "Thank God I do not have to go to work."

Yes, because as adults we too often override the instinct pratico delle cose e poco ci abbandoniamo al sentimento naturale dello stupore....

Grazie allora, anche alla neve che ha reso un pò più complicati i nostri progetti di corse natalizie, ma ci ha donato,anche magari solo per un secondo, lo stupore del bambino che si abbandona alla semplicità delle piccole grandi cose, rinnovando così, ad ogni occasione, il suo modo di guardare il mondo.

Sunday, December 13, 2009

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Tutto inizia sabato 5 dicembre, che gioia oggi mi aspetta un corso con Roberta Sperandio, se non la conoscete mi spiace un pò per voi.
Lei è una bella persona, di lavoro fa l'insegnante di patchwork.Cercate il suo Blog tra i mie link.
Naturalmente fa il suo lavoro con l'entusiasmo of one who loves what he does and then transmits joy and not just concepts.
However, that's what you see is the result of hours spent on the course, the star pieces to be joined. I do not have pictures of how you arrive at this result,
because the courses I need to concentrate to understand something and I could never get to do the photos. However, the process is very convenient and fast so that I have six stars ready at this level ..... now joins the diagonal e. ........

Here it is all one piece din! how wrong I like the stars!

Tiling Backsplash How To Extend Outlet

looking for a shapely

After sewing, unstitched and repaired several times in an acceptable way to combine the various points, I got to have all my stars. What do you do now? You find ways to combine them without breaking so much text as possible ... and reaching a decision on the berth on the table, I decided where they would put a nice patch of voids with pieces of fabric that I have left, it's called or not "Working with patches! (Literal translation of the word PATCHWORK, for the uninitiated)

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Stars with Roberta Sperandio

Here I am, arrived to complete the top. It seems quite smooth, when I do the courses Roberta is always a fun way to get the union of all the various pezzi, per questo i lavori che derivano dai suoi corsi li finisco quasi subito.
Adesso però viene la parte più complicata.....la quiltatura, mi devo concentrare un pò perchè vorrei rendere questa corsia per il mio tavolo speciale, cosa che può essere solo con un degno lavoro di quiltatura.Ci penserò un pò con calma, mi viene meno automatico del cucire insieme pezze.
Un pensiero oggi va alla cara Roberta che si trova in Abruzzo con il marito per consegnare i nostri quilt ai bambini, che gioia saperla in così splendida compagnia. Un abbraccio forte.

Friday, December 11, 2009

How To Treat A Wart On Lip?

pure creative chaos or disorder?

Here I am, after a while of absence I return to my diary modern. What do you say? What is all this confusion? That's exactly, I tried to collect his thoughts, and also catalog to see my fabrics to create some new bag .... there are also successful. I hope you enjoy.

I made a pretty big, is called "Autumn Flowers" and is comfortable to carry many things, including your fabrics and tools when you go to courses patch !!!!!

The other is called "Friend Reindeer" and Euna shopping cart for the Christmas party!

Friday, November 27, 2009

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Lago Escondido area, surrounded by forests and steep mountains at 57 km of the southernmost city in the world

Situato a nord di Ushuaia e lontano da insediamenti umani significativi Lago Escondido offrono notevoli spunti per tranquille camminate nel verde... se non piove troppo.

Il villaggio che vive e prospera soprattutto grazie al turismo, si trova a 57 km a nord di Ushuaia. Vi è una grandi quantità di segherie e il funzionamento di parecchi stabilimenti per il legname nella zona.
Usuhaia, capoluogo della provincia Argentina della Terra del Fuoco, è la città più australe del mondo.

Usuhaia si trova sulla costa meridionale dell'Isola Grande della Terra del Fuoco, in un paesaggio circondato da montagne che domina il Canale Beagle. La città ha circa 65,000 inhabitants.

first time, Puerto Williams in Chile was considered the most southern city, in fact it is located south of Ushuaia, but it is not popular enough to be considered a city. The most populated Punta Arenas is also sometimes considered the southernmost city.

The site is constantly inhabited Puerto Toro Navarino Island, but has fewer than 100 residents and is more properly called a village.

After 50 km away from the city of Ushuaia, crossing through the Andes Paso Garibaldi, you can reach the hidden lake.

You can start your trip from the dock of the Petrel Inn (where mates and anglers can take refuge in case of rain) and go in search of pieces of excellent trout streams scattered everywhere.

For lunch there will be a typical Argentine barbecue (asado), accompanied by a "cut" (meats and cheese), wine, beer and, of course, the taste of the region.

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Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Ovarian Cyst Rupture And Black Vomit

"Let's salute" AKA "Friends leaving"

recently we celebrated with the sacred ritual of the match in two parrocchietta "goodbye" very important ....
Sunday, November 1st we celebrated with a wonderful game full of "old glory" (including His Eminence Don Scifres) good Gioacca who has gone to St. Petersburg, Russia (!), Moments of mild concussion have accepted the triple whistle (invented) that decreed the end of the game after only two hours of play.

Sunday November 22 but we greet our dear brother Paul, who goes to Turkey to do the missionary with a lot of football "rude" but fun, illuminated by a stroke of genius of Fra 'Paolo Franco himself and good:)

Good way brothers!

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

When You Kidneys Hurt

Argentina, tango and fantasy,

tango Argentina, tango and fantasy, a land of great characters and strong emotions
Cozy and cheerful, he reveals its flavors secrets
L 'Argentina is called the land of six continents, the diversity of its climatic regions. Thus the land of polar glaciers, high mountains, pampas of sunny, subtropical forests, relaxing beaches. Obvious that the food is just as varied. To the northeast, near the border with Brazil. nelb forest area and the great waters, fish and game are: Surubi dorado and huge (up to 2-3 meters in length) are caught in rivers and grilled, baked or breaded and offered an alternative to meat and zebu stewed meat, squash, manioc and corn. Many tropical fruits, used inter alia in order to obtain flour for food. Unusual specialties also the area of \u200b\u200bthe tail fillets yacare, similar to the crocodile. Moving northwest, near the Andes mountains, the kitchen is very spicy, with soft corn grain (choclo), small peppers (aji) and beef, sheep and pig dried in the sun. The area is also famous for its excellent wines from San Juan, Mendoza and La Rioja, white Torrontés of Cafayate and cider Calingasta. La chica really special. a fermented maize flour and water, and aloja. derived from fermentation of carob pods. In the Andean Patagonian gastronomy becomes more refined: 130 varieties of chocolate that give life a greedy bottom, and then farmed salmon and trout and centolla, an exquisite giant crab. Welsh's influence has been especially the black cake with dried fruit, spices and sugar cane. On the pampas the main dish is the asado, beef grilled, juicy and tender. In Buenos Aires you can sample the cuisine from all regions and the Argentine international. In many clubs in Rome, dinner is served from 22 onwards.

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Puchero de carne like a full-bodied soup

puchero Puchero de carne soupy substantial

Preparation 30 '
Cooking 90' Serves 6-8 people

1 of about 1 kg chicken
800 g of beef into small pieces (such as stew)

3 carrots 1 onion 1 leek

1 stalk celery 1 sprig parsley

salt 6-8 medium potatoes 300 g

pumpkin 1 / 2 cabbage
400 g of sausage

100 g bacon 200 g of cooked beans without salt
6-8 small corn cobs

Clean and wash the chicken, then cut it into pieces. Clean and wash the vegetables and cut them into touch, slice the cabbage after removing the core. Boil about 3 liters of water along with the onion, leek and carrots.
the boil add the chicken and beef, parsley and a handful of salt, then simmer on low heat for about an hour, skimming occasionally with a slotted spoon.
United at this point potatoes, pumpkin, cabbage, beans, drained, cut the sausage into pieces and the diced bacon.
Continue cooking for about 30 minutes, adding more hot water if necessary: \u200b\u200bDepending on the amount of broth you want to achieve. Season with salt and, ten minutes before shutting down, add the baby corn. Calories 956

calorie dish with lots of carbs and proteins. These are mainly in the flesh. To avoid that you suffer from gout, and hyperglycemia.

Monday, August 31, 2009

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Matambre, a classic Argentine grilled or baked


Preparation 40 '
Cooking 75'

Ingredients: for 6-8 people

1 kg of meat in a single slice of beef 1 onion

1 clove garlic 1 / 2 bay leaf
250 g of raw spinach
3-4 hard-boiled eggs 3 carrots

vinegar 1 chilli oil

broth (including nut)
salt pepper

Preparation: 40 '+ Cooking 75'

Place the steak in a bowl and sprinkle generously with the vinegar and let it marinate for 12 hours in refrigerator, turning occasionally.

Lay the meat on the work surface, pat dry with paper towels, then sprinkle with salt, pepe e pepe­roncino macinato.

Pulite gli spinaci, lavateli e a-sciugateli. Lavate le carote e taglia­tele a filetti. Tagliate a spicchi le uova sode.

Disponete questi ingre­dienti sulla fetta di carne, quindi avvolgetela formando un rotolo che legherete con spago da cucina. Fatelo poi rosolare in una padella con 2 cucchiai d'olio.

Sgocciolate il rotolo quando sarà ben rosolato e adagiatelo in una casseruola ovale, copritelo a fi­lo con il brodo, unite la cipolla a pezzi, l'aglio e l'alloro e cuocete per 1 ora e 3/4, a tegame coperto.

Sgocciolate il rotolo e avvolgetelo nella carta stagnola. Lasciatelo raf­freddare e servitelo a fette

Calorie: 265

The meat of the calf than in the calf has a lower percentage of water and a slightly higher protein content (22g%)

How To Treat Goitre In A Horse

Tamales de pollo, a traditional dish of northern Patagonia in Argentina



for 6 people 400 g of corn flour white

chicken stock 100 g butter 4-5 tablespoons of oil

300 g chicken cooked and coarsely chopped 1 onion, chopped

1 small hot pepper 1 tablespoon chopped parsley

1 green pepper 1 clove garlic

12 leaves 2 hard boiled eggs healthy and whole corn (Or banana)
salt pepper


Cut the pepper into small pieces and fry in a pan with two tablespoons of olive oil and then cut that will eliminate at the end of cooking.

In another pan cook for about 10 minutes the onion with the remaining oil, chili and a ladle of hot water every time you add the sauce dries out too much. Join

then the chicken, stir and cook for a couple of minutes over high heat, stirring with a wooden spoon. Flavored with parsley, season with salt and let cool.

Meanwhile, in a bowl mix the flour corn with butter at room temperature, salt, pepper and gradually warm the stock needed to get a soft and smooth, like a soft polenta.

to this mix the chicken mixture and knead with your hands. If it appears too dry, moisten with a little stock. Form 12 croquettes and stuff with big chunks of peppers and fried egg spicchietti hard.

Clean and wash the leaves of maize, plunge briefly into boiling water to soften, lay it on the cutting board, dry place a croquette on each leaf.

Close to package and tied with kitchen twine. Bake for tamales 20 minutes in boiling salted water, drain and serve hot.

Calories: 518

tasty dish with the chicken meat that retains its nutritional value even after cooking. It 'not recommended for those suffering from gastritis and ulcer

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Pastel de Bodas, a wedding cake sweet-salty


Ingredients: for 8 people

600 g of pork in one piece (from the shoulder)
1 / 2 liter of white wine sweet
200 g dried peaches 30 g raisins

12 tablespoons sugar 250 g chopped onion

80 g butter 1 tablespoon chopped fresh basil
1 / 2 teaspoon oregano 1 clove

1 pinch di cannella

Per la pasta:
500 g di farina
100 g di burro
4 tuorli
50 g di zucchero

Per la meringa:
2 albumi
80 g di zucchero
1 cucchiaio di succo di limone

Per la cottura: stampo da 26 cm di diametro imburrato e cosparso de pangrattato

Preparazione: 1 ora + Cottura 50'

Fate rinvenire in ciotole separa­te con acqua tiepida le pesche  l'uvetta. Tagliate a pezzi la carne e mettetela in una casseruola con le pesche strizzate, lo zucchero, il chiodo di garofano, un pizzico di sale e il vino.

Put the lid and, since boiling, cook for about 30 minutes.

Meanwhile, in a pan (preferably earthenware) do the onion with butter at low heat. Join

flesh peaches and well drained (keep the gravy), herbs and spices.

cook for about 10 minutes, remove from the heat and mix in the raisins, drained and squeezed. Season with salt and turn off. Prepare the pasta

working all ingredients until dough is smooth and uniform and add a bit of the cooking meat.

then lay in a mold po' più della metà della pasta tirata a sfoglia, riempite con la carne ormai fredda e chiu­dete con il resto della pasta, sal­dando i bordi. Cuocete in forno caldo (190°). per circa 40 minuti.

Montate gli albumi con il succo di limone, unendovi lo zucchero a più riprese. Togliete lo stampo dal forno, cospargete la torta con la meringa e rimettetela in forno per circa 10 minuti.

Servite fredda.

Pastel de bodas vuol dire torta nuziale, anche se non è quella classica che intendiamo noi. Si tratta infatti di una torta dolce-salata che in Argentina va per la maggiore in qualsiasi occasione ma, soprattutto, durante un banchetto di nozze.

Calorie: 840
dish to be consumed in small doses to the high content of carbohydrates and lipids. The dried fruit does provide minerals and vitamins.