Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Snowmobile Salvage Yard Montana

"savages," 25 thousand euro fine


Gennaro Del Giudice
on "Rome" of Saturday, February 26, 2011

POZZUOLI - The first town that has decided to combat the problem of disposing "savage" of waste and illegal dumping through the use of the cameras placed on containers of waste. A "record" in addition to recognizing that the initiative in making use of innovative tools to fight and technological rewards in terms of results the town of Pozzuoli. In a few months because the minutes were 50 high due to the presence of the cameras, which are 442 in total with the remaining inspection operations carried out by a task force consisting of 6 team officials' environmental police, thirty of the town of Lsu Pozzuoli put in charge of the bins, and several patrols from September that white helmets are keeping under continuous control the entire territory of Pozzuoli. A finish in the network of controls virtually everyone: the people who throw the 'garbage after hours, residents of the parks that do not differentiate between a "duty" waste, merchants, restaurateurs, subject to strict controls with their waste "sieved" by the users of the companies responsible for recycling in the case of "anomalies" reported promptly to the authorities. Controls that have also affected the land used for illegal dumping and that led to the seizure of three large parcels of land. A savage war against the disposal of waste began in Pozzuoli last s EPTEMBER endorsed by the Special Commissioner Roberto Aragno and has seen a massive deployment of means and men by the municipal police force. "We have a trailblazer in the use of technology and cameras to combat waste savages. They have been months of intense activity which has seen a fourfold effort parte dei vigili urbani, degli Lsu, della squadra del nucleo ecologia e delle strutture di videosorveglianza” ha spiegato il comandante del corpo di Polizia municipale di Pozzuoli Luigi De Stefano che ha sciorinato i dati di questi mesi di lavoro: nel corso dei 5 mesi di controlli si sono registrati circa 25mila euro di multe, 442 verbali per illeciti amministrativi, quali lo smaltimento dei rifiuti fuori orario, il mancato rispetto delle norme per la raccolta differenziata; 50 verbali elevati grazie alla presenza delle telecamere installate a sorveglianza delle isole ecologiche; 10 denunce penali per abbandono di rifiuti ingombranti, speciali e tossici; 3 denunce per discariche abusive, sequestrate nelle zone di Monterusciello, via Campana e la Solfatara; over 300 restaurants, businesses and private parks checked for compliance with the rules of collection. These numbers are continuously updated as the day at police headquarters are at work in front of the monitor operators in real time, based on the images captured by video cameras to "guard" of the uncivilized identify containers which are then in turn squad in place for the notification of the complaint. "We started to coincide with the period of the return of the waste in Naples and province," concluded the captain De Stefano "And we hope that our work will continue to go forward and with the collaboration of citizens, who more than once have supported us, Pozzuoli continues to improve in terms of waste disposal "


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