The Dec. 10 Gianna died.
I copy here the words which greeted her grandfather's funeral G, to remind a woman of exceptional courage and the will. And remember that "all are equal and steal the same way."
Gianna was born in Burana, small agricultural center near Ferrara in a family stiffs and antifascists therefore a context that promised poverty hunger and bullying by regime but also as herself said, great solidarity human and mutual aid. The work was hard, not only in the fields of the master, but also in the rice fields of Piedmont, where little more than a child at the time of transplantation was with his mother to earn what little they could afford large purchases like a pair of shoes or a piece of cloth.
But he had a dream, Gianna, to be a nurse, and succeeded, to get that diploma, overcoming all difficulties. That took her diploma in XXX, XXX of the first infirmary, then to the Civil Hospital in the XXX department for tuberculous disease. It was in full fascism, and more at war, but this does not stop Gianna if it was to fight injustice. In the hospital did not even have a holiday and now she began her fight with the office staff. Alone course. Because her friends were afraid. And he won, because the laws him foresaw. Some anti-fascists, because there were in the hospital, they saw the temperament of the girl, and we will contact you: it was to steal drugs and dressing materials, take them out and hand them over there, between the corn, where someone was waiting. (...) When, after September 8th, climbed the hills of the first supporters, his choice was immediate.
On October 9, 1943, the day of his twenty-third birthday, his parents came to visit her. Walking, and there were distant sounds that seem to disappear. What is this? Asks the father. "They're partisans, Dad." You're not the head of the crickets? "Seriously? I'm so well in hospital. " The next day, Gianna went to the mountains with her friend nurse Jole De Cilla, the partisan "Paola", silver medal, killed in December '44 by Decima MAS.
Thus began the epic partisan in the mountains, to the raids in November '43, then in plain Gappisti as (among other bomb-making to be introduced into the boilers hot train station in storage) and as a relay race. He avoided arrest by a whisker on the day of an appointment Oreste Cotterli to be hanged on May 29 '44 in San Giovanni al Natisone. In May he was called to the mountains, because he knew he was wanted by the SS. Had just arrived, was surprised when one morning in a cabin by the Germans: he saved himself by rolling down a slope in the midst of the brambles, including the bullets that whistled around. And in the mountains lived the exciting saga of the area free of meat, but large raids, employment Cossack, the last hard winter, hiding in a bunker with commanders Garibaldi Andrea, her husband, Tony Barba, Marco. In February, resumed his activities in the countries of Carnia, dressed as a mountain, among the Cossacks everywhere to pick up the threads, re-establish communication. And then again on the plains where he participated in the liberation of XXX. After the war, the difficulties did not stop, change their nature. It's time to manage a family with a child and then another. The situation became very hard when her husband Andrew was sent to Venice to lead the federation of the PCI. The party paid its officers and very little time was necessary to put family and work. He found employment INAM, but had to fight bullying of any kind, because he was a communist, because it was partisan because it is listed at the CGIL. Even moved to San Dona di Piave, which was to reach by train every morning, leaving his son in the hands of unlikely baby bitter, because then the life of the former was so partisan. But the political passion, social commitment never gave up.
I've known in della Sezione Gramsci del PCI, in XXX. Nelle riunioni , si sedeva vicino al segretario e ascoltava. Prendeva la parola solo verso la fine e noi aspettavamo un po’ preoccupati il suo intervento, perché sapevamo che con lei si andava subito al sodo: cari compagni, bisogna fare questo, bisogna fare quello. Quando? Domani mattina, e ci incastrava tutti, perché aveva il prestigio e l’autorità per farlo; e perché sapevamo che lei avrebbe lavorato più di tutti noi. E lo stesso succedeva in Circoscrizione; e per la vendita dell’Unità per le case del quartiere la domenica.
Ci reclutava, marito compreso, e prenotava un numero incredibile di copie. Io personalmente odiavo quegli appuntamenti, perché mi vergognavo, and often bought myself a little 'of copies and then hid behind some plants in the lobby of apartment buildings. But she sold her entire hand and introduced in homes with an incredible skill, "What beautiful flowers, lady! But how? "And slowly came to the point that he wanted, for sale at the adjoining propaganda.
When the PCI was in crisis, the crisis did not come into Gianna, who poured all his activities in the Committee for the Defence of the Constitution, who ran with determination; nell'ANPI, where he led the battle for the women of the resistance were recognized the merits which they competed, the organization of the event each April 24 in memory of those killed in XXX, and at every opportunity presented itself to fight for democracy and social progress, and for the memory of the Resistance. Still in the hospital bed, on the eve of the ANPI Provincial Congress which was held two weeks ago, got up the mouthpiece of oxygen, and to me that Julie had gone to see her, she whispered with difficulty: "I beg you, to Congress talk about school, because young people need to understand, need to know what was the resistance. "
This was Gianna, unforgettable person, I connect it to the best years of my life because I met with her and beside her, the people most extraordinary humanity, morality, intelligence and coherence those thanks which life beyond disappointments and bankruptcies and bleak landscapes today may be adventure worth living.
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