Monday, December 20, 2010

What Age Should Start Waxing

I've always loved, abstract, Christmas trees very sober, single-or two-tone silver and blue as cold or hot as a mock red and white. But when I tried to make them, I did not like ever. My Christmas trees have always puzzled me. This year I got everything at home, had a string on top, and I put into the tree to make happy Babi. I find myself with Santa Claus, sheep, horses, reindeer cloth, and lights that were left free to blink like that shrill and unnecessary. And for the first time I'm glad my realization of a Christmas. It 's a talking tree, sbracato, I will remark to find a beer that discusses amiably with leggings. It 'pretty much a mouth to feed, until January.

Something has interrupted the eternal cycle unfortunate that haunts me, and that those che mi stanno vicino prima negano, poi ammettono: la mia presenza ha sempre impedito la caduta della neve. Se mi trovavo nella città in cui studiavo, nevicava nella città dove son nata, e viceversa. Se per caso nevicava in entrambe, io ero in treno tra le due. Se andavo in montagna, mandavo in rovina decine di strutture ricettive, se seguivo una tormenta, quella si spostava oltre le Alpi a tempestare città straniere. La gente mi telefonava: hai visto che oggi finalmente nevica, che la tua maledizione è finita? Sì, peccato che io mi trovi a Algeri. Davanti ad una così crudele evidenza, mi era stato consigliato di offrire i miei servizi ai Comuni per i quali la neve rappresentasse un fenomeno particolarmente nocivo, trasformando la bad luck in business: I have a room at the Hilton, and I guarantee clean streets for the weekend.

Friday it snowed again , for many, many hours without rain disgusting, disappointing, without interruptions. Single sacrificial object, to obtain this blessing, it was the details of her husband, who has slipped from his pocket during a spade work will be found in the yard only to thaw in the hands of a penguin.

the window at night
From the window, day


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