Monday, August 31, 2009

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Matambre, a classic Argentine grilled or baked


Preparation 40 '
Cooking 75'

Ingredients: for 6-8 people

1 kg of meat in a single slice of beef 1 onion

1 clove garlic 1 / 2 bay leaf
250 g of raw spinach
3-4 hard-boiled eggs 3 carrots

vinegar 1 chilli oil

broth (including nut)
salt pepper

Preparation: 40 '+ Cooking 75'

Place the steak in a bowl and sprinkle generously with the vinegar and let it marinate for 12 hours in refrigerator, turning occasionally.

Lay the meat on the work surface, pat dry with paper towels, then sprinkle with salt, pepe e pepe­roncino macinato.

Pulite gli spinaci, lavateli e a-sciugateli. Lavate le carote e taglia­tele a filetti. Tagliate a spicchi le uova sode.

Disponete questi ingre­dienti sulla fetta di carne, quindi avvolgetela formando un rotolo che legherete con spago da cucina. Fatelo poi rosolare in una padella con 2 cucchiai d'olio.

Sgocciolate il rotolo quando sarà ben rosolato e adagiatelo in una casseruola ovale, copritelo a fi­lo con il brodo, unite la cipolla a pezzi, l'aglio e l'alloro e cuocete per 1 ora e 3/4, a tegame coperto.

Sgocciolate il rotolo e avvolgetelo nella carta stagnola. Lasciatelo raf­freddare e servitelo a fette

Calorie: 265

The meat of the calf than in the calf has a lower percentage of water and a slightly higher protein content (22g%)

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Tamales de pollo, a traditional dish of northern Patagonia in Argentina



for 6 people 400 g of corn flour white

chicken stock 100 g butter 4-5 tablespoons of oil

300 g chicken cooked and coarsely chopped 1 onion, chopped

1 small hot pepper 1 tablespoon chopped parsley

1 green pepper 1 clove garlic

12 leaves 2 hard boiled eggs healthy and whole corn (Or banana)
salt pepper


Cut the pepper into small pieces and fry in a pan with two tablespoons of olive oil and then cut that will eliminate at the end of cooking.

In another pan cook for about 10 minutes the onion with the remaining oil, chili and a ladle of hot water every time you add the sauce dries out too much. Join

then the chicken, stir and cook for a couple of minutes over high heat, stirring with a wooden spoon. Flavored with parsley, season with salt and let cool.

Meanwhile, in a bowl mix the flour corn with butter at room temperature, salt, pepper and gradually warm the stock needed to get a soft and smooth, like a soft polenta.

to this mix the chicken mixture and knead with your hands. If it appears too dry, moisten with a little stock. Form 12 croquettes and stuff with big chunks of peppers and fried egg spicchietti hard.

Clean and wash the leaves of maize, plunge briefly into boiling water to soften, lay it on the cutting board, dry place a croquette on each leaf.

Close to package and tied with kitchen twine. Bake for tamales 20 minutes in boiling salted water, drain and serve hot.

Calories: 518

tasty dish with the chicken meat that retains its nutritional value even after cooking. It 'not recommended for those suffering from gastritis and ulcer

Brazilian Waxing Santa Fe

Pastel de Bodas, a wedding cake sweet-salty


Ingredients: for 8 people

600 g of pork in one piece (from the shoulder)
1 / 2 liter of white wine sweet
200 g dried peaches 30 g raisins

12 tablespoons sugar 250 g chopped onion

80 g butter 1 tablespoon chopped fresh basil
1 / 2 teaspoon oregano 1 clove

1 pinch di cannella

Per la pasta:
500 g di farina
100 g di burro
4 tuorli
50 g di zucchero

Per la meringa:
2 albumi
80 g di zucchero
1 cucchiaio di succo di limone

Per la cottura: stampo da 26 cm di diametro imburrato e cosparso de pangrattato

Preparazione: 1 ora + Cottura 50'

Fate rinvenire in ciotole separa­te con acqua tiepida le pesche  l'uvetta. Tagliate a pezzi la carne e mettetela in una casseruola con le pesche strizzate, lo zucchero, il chiodo di garofano, un pizzico di sale e il vino.

Put the lid and, since boiling, cook for about 30 minutes.

Meanwhile, in a pan (preferably earthenware) do the onion with butter at low heat. Join

flesh peaches and well drained (keep the gravy), herbs and spices.

cook for about 10 minutes, remove from the heat and mix in the raisins, drained and squeezed. Season with salt and turn off. Prepare the pasta

working all ingredients until dough is smooth and uniform and add a bit of the cooking meat.

then lay in a mold po' più della metà della pasta tirata a sfoglia, riempite con la carne ormai fredda e chiu­dete con il resto della pasta, sal­dando i bordi. Cuocete in forno caldo (190°). per circa 40 minuti.

Montate gli albumi con il succo di limone, unendovi lo zucchero a più riprese. Togliete lo stampo dal forno, cospargete la torta con la meringa e rimettetela in forno per circa 10 minuti.

Servite fredda.

Pastel de bodas vuol dire torta nuziale, anche se non è quella classica che intendiamo noi. Si tratta infatti di una torta dolce-salata che in Argentina va per la maggiore in qualsiasi occasione ma, soprattutto, durante un banchetto di nozze.

Calorie: 840
dish to be consumed in small doses to the high content of carbohydrates and lipids. The dried fruit does provide minerals and vitamins.