Thursday, March 10, 2011

Find A Mandigo For My White Wife

A school garden / 1

Yesterday during garden.

And I know, is the unanimous objection: that the course and the course, I'll lend you my father / grandfather / father that teaches you everything you need to know!

And the answer is: I can not pretend that the father / grandfather / father gave me lessons live scratching between sowing eight to ten and a half ago, the only time I can devote to learning.

So I enrolled in a course proper, with lots of organic farming techniques as a teacher. As companions, some unrealistic beginners with some square meters of grass, like me, someone who has heritage found in a garden and hundreds of conflicting advice of neighbors, and some bed-holding cabinet made for eighty percent of bricks and clay for the winds, hoping for any crop. Even one. A tomato would be great.

In recent months I have read many books on the theory that I might call the spade, which is completely unnatural and extremely useless. The fact that last night also the teacher be held on vague worries me, was like reading an audiobook.

But then the situation has broken out between a woman who urges: yes, but when I fertilize? And another that promoted the excrement di pollo, e uno che lanciava luoghi comuni in lingua madre, un altro che si chiedeva che faccia abbia il compost, e chi consigliava di concimare con pollina (cacca di piccole galline?) e l’amica T. che riteneva, in tre metri quadri di terreno, di essere vittima di tutti i parassiti e tutte le infestanti tipiche del tropico del cancro: grillo talpa? Ce l’ho, come con la tombola.

Insomma, ho scoperto che devo muovermi a zappettare, e che se necessito di piselli, è il momento di piantarli. Obbedisco.

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Stroke Percent To Survive


USED shoot a gun during dinner at the restaurant

Gennaro Del Giudice
on "Rome" Wednesday, March 9, 2011

POZZUOLI. A birthday party in a restaurant in the old town of Pozzuoli, threatened to become a family tragedy that he was drunk last night. The officers of the Commissariat of Pozzuoli, commanded by the assistant chief Michael Cante, have been alerted by some customers of one of the restaurants of the old town of Pozzuoli, near the Temple of Serapis alarmed by what had happened just before, with a 42 year old man, AB, criminal record and an employee of a law firm in the area, he pulled a gun used in the polygons of the sport shooting and had accidentally fired to celebrate the birthday of a relative. The incident occurred in a table in a restaurant overlooking the temple of Serapis, consists of nearly a dozen people, all related to one of them to celebrate the birthday of their relative. AB, but for years
Naples resident in Pozzuoli, was apprehended on charges of illegal gun port town gun and personal injury. Based on the evidence gathered on the spot of the shooting, gli agenti del Commissariato di Pozzuoli hanno potuto ricostruire che nella tarda serata di ieri un folto gruppo di familiari ed amici di Pozzuoli si era riunito nel ristorante per festeggiare. Poco dopo il brindisi di festeggiamento della mezzanotte A.B. si è alzato da tavola ed ha mostrato ai presenti, tra i quali anche alcuni bambini e bambine, la pistola Beretta modello 98 Steel calibro 9x21, che l'uomo, titolare di regolare porto d'armi per un fucile per il tiro a volo, aveva denunciato presso il Commissariato della polizia di Stato San Paolo di Fuorigrotta. Ad un tratto il 42enne ha esploso accidentalmente un colpo che ha colpito alle gambe il suocero, la zia e la cugina della moglie. Nel ristorante ci sono state scene di panico, con un fuggi fuggi e urla, mentre The three injured were immediately rushed to the hospital casualty of Santa Maria delle Grazie and San Paolo di Pozzuoli Fuorigrotta, reporting injuries considered cured from 10 to 20 days. The 42-year old was tracked down shortly after at the San Paolo hospital emergency room and then taken under arrest on charges of illegal gun port town gun and will respond injuries caused to relatives, while his home was seized the weapon and 49 bullets. From the evidence gathered by police showed that there was a quarrel degenerated, but only an act of recklessness that could cause a tragedy, especially as there were children in the room. AB was handcuffed and transferred Poggioreale now in prison.

Sweet N Low And Kidney Stones

Another fucking beautiful day

Non ho mai amato il mio lavoro, come già mi trovai a dire in vecchi post.
Con un punto di departure as this, the overall atmosphere makes all the difference about its willingness to sit at the chair or sad attempt to hold a rope with a noose, like the old lady in the plane in Love, who prefers death to a boring conversation.
Well, today I was eleven minutes on the corridor, outside the office door, sitting in a drawer beige metal with his feet dangling in Brunetta, humming The Blower's Daughter by Damien Rice, seeking the courage to enter.
If anyone has in mind a scene more depressing start to a sunny morning, I describe it: I will put on stage tomorrow.

Luckily there is the garden. We are distributing to brick paths, and see a result Terrigno lie with my hands softens the anxiety.