A disproportionate number of people who, in spite of myself and suffering the pains of hell are daily forced to listen while they talk about politics, remain incredibly indifferent to any new case of these days will be partly true All this made by Berlusconi, but they are all so much, right and left, all the same, only better at hiding. And they say this feeling
news lovers, feasts buei, dozens of girls at dinner, a minor seeking 4 million to keep quiet, heads of state that offer double beds, apartment-harem in which they fight for their home larger than 12 pounds of cocaine in the garage of dental hygienists ending regional adviser to 25 years, soubrette who become ministers, bunga bunga, the car was that ply between the villas, to gloss over the business in my opinion even more serious, as the dozens of ad personam laws, the business of Antigua (and here I open a parenthesis: Antigua when I see on TV, trying not to think of literary references that had made me want, I find it amazing how it was devastated by those hideous villas and I wonder why so many rich people decide to take seats in the house so obviously bad).
I think these people would remain unperturbed at all to say that they do so even if you discover a Arcore hangar per progettare un attacco alla sede della Comunità Europea con un dirigibile carico di bambole gonfiabili vestite da infermiere al plutonio, se si provvedesse a sradicare dal territorio italiano tutte le conifere perché colpevoli di causare un’allergia al capo, o se entrasse in vigore una legge che togliesse alle donne brutte e a quelle oltre i 35 la cittadinanza italiana.
Il pensiero, che ha sempre bisogno di un sorriso, va all’amatissimo Troisi, che presentando il film “ Non ci resta che piangere ” disse qualcosa come: volevamo parlare di una situazione che la gente conoscesse, di sensazioni note e condivise, e a chi non è mai capitato di finire nel millequattrocento?
news lovers, feasts buei, dozens of girls at dinner, a minor seeking 4 million to keep quiet, heads of state that offer double beds, apartment-harem in which they fight for their home larger than 12 pounds of cocaine in the garage of dental hygienists ending regional adviser to 25 years, soubrette who become ministers, bunga bunga, the car was that ply between the villas, to gloss over the business in my opinion even more serious, as the dozens of ad personam laws, the business of Antigua (and here I open a parenthesis: Antigua when I see on TV, trying not to think of literary references that had made me want, I find it amazing how it was devastated by those hideous villas and I wonder why so many rich people decide to take seats in the house so obviously bad).
I think these people would remain unperturbed at all to say that they do so even if you discover a Arcore hangar per progettare un attacco alla sede della Comunità Europea con un dirigibile carico di bambole gonfiabili vestite da infermiere al plutonio, se si provvedesse a sradicare dal territorio italiano tutte le conifere perché colpevoli di causare un’allergia al capo, o se entrasse in vigore una legge che togliesse alle donne brutte e a quelle oltre i 35 la cittadinanza italiana.
Il pensiero, che ha sempre bisogno di un sorriso, va all’amatissimo Troisi, che presentando il film “ Non ci resta che piangere ” disse qualcosa come: volevamo parlare di una situazione che la gente conoscesse, di sensazioni note e condivise, e a chi non è mai capitato di finire nel millequattrocento?
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