Monday, January 31, 2011

Overactive Thyroid And Sore Breasts

my time and the time their books

Last night Javier Marias, by Fazio, spoke of his relationship with time, a concept generally treated trivially, but that tickles the self-reflection.
He said that most of the time people live with a sense of panic, trying not to watch it slide continues not to think of his escape, as if not hearing him pass. The writer, however, precisely to reduce the panic very human need to hear it run, the time to watch it, even to lose it, live it slowly, otherwise it would feel to escape even faster.

And I thought: right, we should be looking more at the time.

And then I thought that he probably her time watching him from his desk, with his favorite pen in hand and a good view of the window, giving himself time to file a sentence to perfection. I should look for too many hours the time of these cards that have no end, dozens of faxes, hundreds of emails from strangers who try to fix something irrelevant.
Oh, no, at least my hours in this office, I will continue to let them slip in the least painful manner possible, that of not thinking. Too bad that they also contribute to age.

Your Hospital Has Just Received A Reimbursement


I was back with the books, the pages fly, and the words are stuck in memory, scrollarsele better off before they fall into the usual pits of oblivion.
On the other hand, is infinitely better than the pages read and written latitino slide, the effect is much less damaging to the ecosystem.

Now: Dusk a writer, Francis Scott Fitzgerald. It 's a book that brings together stories, articles and essays, therefore, extremely difficult to review, even at times tiring, but overall very, very teacher. I've dabbled in the twenties through stories that are deposited automatically into the atmosphere without being childish drawings breeches, like when you read Montalbano and there you can leave the face of Zingaretti, I had fun with the stories about attempted save the first money earned from writing, I learned something about American universities over the house of a writer and his thoughts. Then I read
Viva Italy Cazzullo Aldo, who rebels against this constant rewriting and typically Italian history, which transforms the Risorgimento and the Resistance in time to be ashamed of, piling bulk passively who pursued only their own survival or self-interest with those who have made a choice that transcended their own private interest, often with the only natural choice possible. At the end of the book I reflected on the question that often arises: what would we do we?

I do not know, it's too easy to pretend to be heroes in the abstract, but I knew people whose whole life could have replied: I have done and am doing other things, what I've always believed right for everyone, in my risk and it is a great honor to have met them.

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Get Well Card Hip Replacement Golf

Tell me what you need yet

A disproportionate number of people who, in spite of myself and suffering the pains of hell are daily forced to listen while they talk about politics, remain incredibly indifferent to any new case of these days will be partly true All this made by Berlusconi, but they are all so much, right and left, all the same, only better at hiding. And they say this feeling

news lovers, feasts buei, dozens of girls at dinner, a minor seeking 4 million to keep quiet, heads of state that offer double beds, apartment-harem in which they fight for their home larger than 12 pounds of cocaine in the garage of dental hygienists ending regional adviser to 25 years, soubrette who become ministers, bunga bunga, the car was that ply between the villas, to gloss over the business in my opinion even more serious, as the dozens of ad personam laws, the business of Antigua (and here I open a parenthesis: Antigua when I see on TV, trying not to think of literary references that had made me want, I find it amazing how it was devastated by those hideous villas and I wonder why so many rich people decide to take seats in the house so obviously bad).

I think these people would remain unperturbed at all to say that they do so even if you discover a Arcore hangar per progettare un attacco alla sede della Comunità Europea con un dirigibile carico di bambole gonfiabili vestite da infermiere al plutonio, se si provvedesse a sradicare dal territorio italiano tutte le conifere perché colpevoli di causare un’allergia al capo, o se entrasse in vigore una legge che togliesse alle donne brutte e a quelle oltre i 35 la cittadinanza italiana.

Il pensiero, che ha sempre bisogno di un sorriso, va all’amatissimo Troisi, che presentando il film “ Non ci resta che piangere ” disse qualcosa come: volevamo parlare di una situazione che la gente conoscesse, di sensazioni note e condivise, e a chi non è mai capitato di finire nel millequattrocento?

Monday, January 24, 2011

Best Running Shoes For Bad Back

's paradise Tell me you perverted

this post I state that I am not putting whole genres of film and television into the gutter trash TV, and I recognize the existence of masterpieces and works best in each type of program that I am going to list , dedicated solely to the trash and flatness, the "worse". Everyone can decide what to put on.

I wonder if everyone has their references trash television, the ones we are ashamed heavily, or not, but you should. If all, or not having one of the family home, with delight in public broadcasting that they abhor, or not, but should, and are shocked to know the perversion of the other, without taking note of his, such as cocaine.

A friend confessed Monday that the process of the relaxed more than anything else, while acknowledging the absolute irrelevance of sports, and kept free at all costs that sacred evening. More than a friend after lunch peeps to men and women, finding some space to cultivate their inner life only in the vulgar clamor from the general markets, dozens remain nostalgically clinging to Japanese cartoons of their childhood, without the childhood stories or tract indecently poor designs have no power to restrict the vision, and perhaps all, sometimes block the frenetic zapping to get bogged down, more or less brevemente prima di rendercene conto, in quelle storie tragiche che, non si capisce proprio il perché, a un certo punto la vittima sente il bisogno di render note a chiunque di propria volontà, dopo secoli di tentativi umani di evitare la gogna del paese. C’è poi chi non fa altro che seguire polizieschi, sparatorie, battaglie, incapace ormai di guardare scene che non si rincorrano con la velocità di inserti subliminali, e millantando di riconoscere il colpevole ai titoli iniziali.

Approssimativamente, le perversioni televisive, mi pare possano essere divise in due grandi filoni, pur mantenendo le proprie tipicità:
- il filone infantile, in cui faccio rientrare fetidi cartoni animati, allucinante science fiction, boring battles in costume (intergalactic from King Arthur or bathroom), a film that looked too much like your trailer, sports broadcasts at issue;
- the tendency Desperate Housewives, in which I insert the barbaric TV broadcasts of the pain, show whiners on family routines, the scourge of TV movies like Rosamunde Pilcher, in which dozens of Germans waving the Irish coast on the edge of steep, no one would be enough to get rid of it permanently.
I fear that women more frequently belong to the second strand, and the men in the first, more for culture and for genetic, although I would be vehemently denied.
I, I admit, I identify with most in strand desperate housewives, or rather, in his first film-show, without missing the TV refusing pain. It will be almost to a childhood spent with Grandma B, I dragged the country between families who love to tell gruesome stories of families in ruins (4 years swear that I would play the lady reciting texts like: ah, my lady, you know My husband is an alcoholic ... ), or I do not know why else, but the current child I was tired even before that childhood ended, and even then I like movies a whole, the time of the chase is for me a boredom of interruption advertising, which runs to wash the dishes, while TV series like Little House on the Prairie or Gray's Anatomy has always been dangerous sorceress as shelters, for the reason of my sleep.

I am curious to know if any of us fall into one of these two categories, such as utility vehicles off the brain a few days most destructive. In a sense, already know the answer: G grandfather, the man who did not need it is free from all recall the television it is not perceived value. But it is the exception that proves the rule?

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Can You Wax Your Eyebrowsafter Tanning

News News

In these years I learned the patchwork I got to meet many people like me who love this particular form of creativity.

With some have developed good relations of friendship and esteem and
we are also open to other collaborations.

So this is a matter of words to tell you, girls and Luana Jade Shop "Pezze crazy" Fossalta di Piave, they asked me to f are some grants for them.
Some are my models,

others are models that were particularly liked Jade and Luana.

I thank the trust you have granted and add a big good luck for their new shop just moved, is bigger, brighter, more comfortable ,....... better looking!

Public some photos, if you like please contact the store at the following email address: @ pezze.pazze

Fake Hospital Wristband

second-hand .....

I made a lot of things in recent months, I made my first stalls in markets, and I took lots of photos, but in the end everything is there, stored in my computer and remains forgotten. Today is one of those days when I can not put together two patches .... wrong .... then some recovery of arrears . Here you go.

You can always find something to put in these fun boxes,

every time you take them in hand you change your mood. Son of part to be sure, but will I love the trees, will
I like neutral colors, but this is really beautiful ...... I'm wrong? Japanese yarn-dyed fabric for the body of the bag and Japanese printed fabric to create the valuable work of intersections.
Always good ally the shoulder of medium size, suitable for any occasion beautiful with each fabric.

idea, two bags, walk in the bucket version,
or useful travel in important dimensions of "Totebag".
Six pockets in total, four internal, two with zipper, zip top closure always .. Warm colors and romantic look.

Friday, January 14, 2011

How To Wean Off Entocort

you know those statements you make in the morning with his colleagues to the coffee machine, even when not sitting in front your PC you feel ready for any adventure, the ones that abound on Monday and vanishes in number and violence on Friday, if those words had a contract value we would be screwed for life?
"Rifiutiamoci to sit until the Kapo is not removed !" "How are we with the idea of \u200b\u200bbreeding leeches which was mentioned the other day ?" "People need fire extinguishers! And we you bring him home!" "So, this farm ?"

Behold, I read an article on the Republic that takes inspiration from the usual American book which is equipped with 252 pages on one of those statements that I just described, and as usual becoming wildly successful (at least releasing a person from slavery office, the author).
In this case there was talk of how much manual labor, for example, the artisan, who can touch the results of its operations, a source of satisfaction was much more serious and important office work, and therefore a source of greater serenity. And this fact can be extended to some intellectual work (for example, the case won the lawyer, or the same book that damn American who beat us on time as usual ..).

This has sparked the usual dangerous thoughts: from quando ho iniziato a lavorare non ho mai visto un risultato, non ho mai avuto una soddisfazione degna di nota (se non si vuole considerare tale il coraggio di rispondere a tono al Marchese de Sade, o il raro attimo di grazia di archiviare una carta e dedicarsi alle altre tremila sul tavolo). Non ho mai fatto un lavoro di cui io abbia visto un inizio e una fine. Ricevo delle carte, alimento il malloppo, faccio alcune telefonate, le passo a colui che segue, con il sollievo di chi si libera di un parente molesto. Una catena di montaggio di carta da macero.
Anche non considerando le disfunzioni, le inefficienze, le prepotenze, le incompetenze che permeano normalmente le premiate ditte di ragguardevoli dimensioni, e guardando solo al mio lavoro come entità pura and uncorrupted, I honestly can not figure out how to define it other than a legal means to support his family. I seriously wonder when a colleague says that the work would also be nice, if free from the inefficiencies mentioned above. And the more I am surprised that there was no leader among the four in my life who has not pardoned intimate in complacency and colleagues asking me if we should feel satisfied with our work, and clearly expecting an affirmative answer.

Sometimes I fear I'm missing something, or that I have mounted the head about my destiny stolen from some kind of business, but in reality I am more comfortable to be known that "stolen arms to agriculture", sigh every morning while leaving my garden under construction for this graveyard of illusions.

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Is White Rye Flour Bad

words of others without words

From "Fallen the privilege, the prime minister goes to war " Giuseppe D'Avanzo, Republic of today.

(...)" The really bad new is seen in the manifest intention of the Prime Minister. The move is already apparent in the wires carefully. Resounding failure as a man who governs and finally modernize the country, the Knight entrusts his fate to only device that knows and controls: the elections. At this time, with these moves - the last sortie in Berlin against the "constitutional court order dall'alveo leaked" today Accusing Catiline tv television from home in the company of an official - to prepare carefully when he says in public - shameless - do not want them. As always, it needs to create an "emotional contract" with voters recalling that his policy proposal is himself. That his destiny is the destiny of all. That his person and his private interests are the interests of the country. It is a strategy that works (in the past has worked three times out of five) when any national issue or political speech that falls into a real conflict to divide the country into friend and foe. It is a method that turns into an empty abstraction any other problem: the public debt, the decline of Italy, the drama of the younger generation, the failure of liberalization, the rule of law, the precepts of the Constitution, sovereignty, the discrediting of Italy in the world. What matters is the mystical body of the Cape, both sovereign and people. What matters is knowing what the enemy that threatens the head and then it should be - by the people, by members of the mystical body - contrasted and impressed. Here's the bad news

: Berlusconi prepares to vote and is willing to roll the country into a war without borders and the enemy will destroy the judiciary. A judiciary that Knight will be as an enemy of the people, democracy, Italy, as indeed seems to be calling his new party. Se sei contro l'Italia (partito), sei contro l'Italia (nazione). "Quando si avoca a sé la piena rappresentatività della comunità nazionale e si disconosce la legittima cittadinanza dell'altro in quanto anti-nazionale è guerra civile", sostiene Marco Rovelli. Si può anche non sapere se ci attende davvero una moderna "guerra civile", è certo che Berlusconi sta preparando, a partire dai suoi contrasti con la giustizia, qualcosa di molto simile".

Religious Quotes In Fabric

Ieri è morta I.
Non trovo un posto dove raccattare le parole necessarie, quindi uso le sue.

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Lady Barbara Stockings

Sweet Taste of Life

Tiriamo le fila di queste vacanze Christmas: Our new house was filled with guests fluctuating according to what, it depended on me alone, would be to the course daily.
I've always been haunted by the woman cook who takes in Serbia in a vest hot carbonara for the traveler unexpected, then provided that the traveler does not just share it with his horse, and a belch forth, but in return offers a brilliant conversation.
And to that end I choose good friends, and I enjoy it and stuffs them.

At Christmas we filled the kitchen with relatives come from far away loads of presents and terrines, and I experienced the side of the cook, and provided with all the anguish, the slow wedding lunches, including those in which the starter and the first one (because in those situations, there is surely a first second and third first, before the first second) time you sated with all sticks of the table, to digest, and return to doze in the saddle. I like to mess with the starter, whose cooking is finished with the cake, I tried swimming upstream diversions in velvet and I re-established human time alone with the capon. On the other hand we were fourteen, I was not such a thing ever happened. Babi, not at all puzzled, was keeping the bank, it did take everyone who passed by, he told some of his stories, and distributed gifts to the wrong people, act from potentially explosive.

A New Year's Day, we filled their mouths with champagne bubbles with R. and T, trying to tame them with air from connoisseurs and finally admitting, in a whispered confession of the group, that the champagne does not convince us, with his obsession with the jaws largheggiare like a spoon citrosodina then leave nothing on the tongue that a more dry Prosecco. We avoided a priori, even in the mood for platitudes catering luxury, even to open up the caviar, merely made the wonderful review that Amado's Dona Flor makes it in (read, read ..).

The day after New Year I have served for 5 other friends scrap from canapés decorated with bows, even if it was not difficult to understand its true nature, appearance a tray full of canapes nose, shrimp, salami, mushrooms, pan-cooked lentils, then I tried to forgive me with a plate of spaghetti with mullet. Eventually, the friend's chocolate cake and pear N. showed every voluptuary new perspectives on real potentialities contenitive its stomach which all took for defeated already aperitif.

The epiphany, finally, saw guests for a few days Let's talk about friends and Mouse, with incursions (cold chills just to write this word, but I'm in the mood for masochism) Ikea, stairs and even a round of 40 Euro monopolies, the new version with credit cards that replace paper money and real areas of Milan in place of narrow alleys and avenues of cherry trees. I was not playing by the birth of Babi; strange, but since then I seem to do is play ..

All feasts finally were penetrated a peg away transversal in studying frico friable a sort of Frisbee cheese, whom can give also other form if possess fingers asbestos or willingness iron of those who bend spoons. It 'was hard, perhaps even for the mice that gradually experienced the disturbing creatures that emerged from the stove, but now I've done. The apotheosis was harshly impose the form of a cup and serve into the risotto with radicchio.

Amara considerations final yet, any experimental model of life is practiced, it all ends, and back to work. E 'extremely bleak.

Friday, January 7, 2011

Emergency Dentist 32218


Alfonso Signorini has, with his usual elegance of granite mirror morality, asked if Berlusconi has never had an affair with a woman on the left.
- Never, ever, answered our President.

Now, a man whose habit of paid sex news is fairly widespread in the world, including newspapers, embassies, and through Internet sites, I swear I have never been with women of the left claim it is extremely funny, such as Simple Bocca di rosa o di Via del campo , pare che gli uomini non possano mai fare a meno, più che del sesso, delle illusioni extraconiugali, categoria entro la quale comprendo senza timore le informazioni personali fornite tra le lenzuola dalle signore della notte.

Monday, January 3, 2011

Average Salary Of Personal Trainer In Ontario

And here ends in 2010

Come ad ogni ritorno a casa, metto bando alle ciance e sbrigo subito l’affare dei libri.
Il mio comodino virtuale era rimasto alla Fred Vargas dell’ Uomo a rovescio , il primo libro di questa autrice, fortemente pubblicizzata dalla cugina R., che mi capita di leggere.
Dunque: Fred Vargas scrive ottimamente, anche se da maschio. Scrive come un ottimo male. I ripped several smiles falsely resigned, and again muttered to please remember a few bars. But
: despite being a yellow (noir?), To the last page has not called me in the human need to know the end. I could have stopped like nothing, without the least suffering, and despite all this I had not the slightest guess who the murderess, and fully experiencing what is called "twist". It's not nice, Vargas.
those circumstances: I'll give you another chance, because of the enviable style of writing, with Who died raise your hand.

Then I have had in hand Conversation with Woody Allen Jean Michel Frodon, whose book is that I deny the purchase Husband ( is yours? No, not me, bah ... and think that in the event of divorce tend to creep at night through the shelves impressing his bookplate on each browsable, including a surplus of pie), but that, imprisoned in my house, I will not let go, not even the first certifying paternity. So many things I discovered, by a director who love visceral, although not forgive him for not doing more masterpieces! On the problems with the production, on his way to work on his reputation virtually nothing the United States.
Above all, I finally gave a name to the atmosphere touching that permeates all of his films, comedy or otherwise, and I could not identify except by recourse to the technical effects that seek to recreate it. And 'boy atmosphere that Allen was still stuck on the Hollywood films of the '40s. Ie: not the atmosphere of life as a child, but the atmosphere of the cinema as a child. His films tell the story as if it were filtered through a movie, so while describing the Times Square in 2009.
And from there, it becomes easy to wonder about the relationship with their children, perceptions remain in memory, enough to build their own world view, but definitely not enough, at least in my case, to imagine a visual filter sul mondo, e a poterlo raccontare agli altri, come un velo, che diventi una firma, quanto e più dei contenuti.
E pensi: forse la generazione che ha vissuto l’infanzia in quegli anni ha avuto la fortuna di assistere, nell’epoca della vita in cui i confini di realtà e magia non sono ancora delineati, cambiamenti, novità, invenzioni e scoperte come nessun’altra, un po’ come vedere Venezia per la prima volta, e farlo ancora e ancora, sempre come la prima volta; e forse quella gente ha maturato grande attaccamento a quelle emozioni, facendone una culla dove mettere, e con cui dipingere, ogni accadimento della vita.
E poi pensi: No. Forse è accaduto solo a Woody Allen.

E’ Diary of a smoker after David Sedaris, which I read Me Talk Pretty One Day , drawing moderate and frivolous pleasure. This book of short stories I have appreciated the quality of the writing, unless the comic verve in the past (it seems that the man rage in the States), and I again found frivolous and moderately enjoyable. And then kneel in prayer so that I may write a book on the frivolous and moderately pleasant my life. At least compared to the serial nature of several profitable Follett, Patterson, Crichton, very exciting as it is useless, I should not pay me a team of ghost writers that I rebuilt in the special medieval ol'Ottocento South America.

What Happen To Funbrain



Saturday, January 1, 2011

Camera Sale In Cow Palace

January 1, 2011

".... I believe God has put us in this world to be happy,
..... the best way to be happy is to make the happiness of others. "

My wish for the new year through the words of a person very dear to me and millions of others like me who have lived and shared unforgettable experiences with a scarf around his neck, is that person with terrific intuition More than one hundred years ago, gave birth to the movement of Scouting, Lord Robert Baden-Powell.
Today I feel so many of the people that I love the most, I want more, for those that still exist, there are those, the ones with the boots and sweat on the forehead, the ones with the colored handkerchief round his neck and heavy backpack on his shoulders, but always with his hand outstretched to aid. Those who have eyes in the same landscape, but encountered in mille angoli diversi.

Buona strada a tutti