Sunday, February 27, 2011

My Stool Is Dark Brown And Watery

Pampas means "treeless plain" awesome vastness that affects more intensely the memory of the traveler.

Pampa is a word of Quechua origin that means "treeless plain".

honoring his name, most of its surface is precisely represented by a flat region of fertile land, free of significant trees, where the figure of the gaucho is still present in the custom inherited from the country tradition.

The geographic region of the Pampa Argentina is the agricultural heartland and the home of that symbol of romantic nationalism, that is the gaucho.

Covering the provinces of Buenos Aires, La Pampa and major parts including Santa Fe and Cordoba, and its surroundings also include over the flat plains to rolling hills covered with forests, grasslands and salt lakes covered with flamingos.

E 'but no doubt that for those coming to visit these areas, is the memory of impressive breadth that affects more intensely the memory of the traveler: you are traveling for miles, surrounded by a disarming extension of the horizon accompanied only by changing the Argentine sky.

vast fields of alfalfa, sorghum, wheat, corn or sunflower swaying in the wind blown by an endless blue sky, crossed by groups of clouds driven by strong current weather at high altitude.

To make the landscape even more magical the encounter with some gauchos on horseback, trotting proud with her hat and classic woolen poncho.

Under the name indicates a vast Pampas region extending south and west of the line marked by the Paraná and Río de la Plata to the Colorado, between the Andes and the sea. It is a land flat, seemingly limitless, boundless and bare.

Commonly there are two distinct parts: the eastern Pampa , covering the provinces of Buenos Aires (except the southern tip), the north-western province of La Pampa, the southern section of the province of Santa Fe and the eastern sector of the province of Cordoba, La Pampa western, extending north-west, wedged between the Rio Salado to the east, relief of the Puna to the north and the mountain range to the west.

eastern La Pampa, also called pampa Humedo for the most rainfall against the western pampa seca, comprising approximately one sixth of Argentina and is the most vital part of the country.

It looks like a great lowland formed by a layer of loess yellowish, fine, interspersed with fluvial deposits and volcanic ash, covered by a layer on the surface, often 20-30 cm of black soil, very fertile. Sea level rises imperceptibly toward the west, reaching up to a hundred meters. Gentle undulations will create numerous basins, collecting lakes and ponds and prevent the drainage of water to the sea.

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Wednesday, February 23, 2011

My Kitten Got Bitten By A Dog

No Country for humans

Two weeks locked in the house before his mother calls from Babi sick, then by ordinary resident, already prey to regular kindergarten imported tens of tonsillitis.
The second week, in blissful solitude morning, I experienced the abbruttimento's television housewife, always in line with the tendency of some two posts ago. And I've seen things you workers can not even imagine.

I discovered a shocking world, where people who do not rinviene in themselves the courage to do something, it is only in the title role of television. Too bad we're talking about companies in the social-cultural level that could have put the action of a finger in his throat to get rid of the Christmas lunch. Do you fear loneliness? Do it in public and will be a breeze.

I've seen people feel the need to introduce three dispossenti at home, each self-styled expert in a field of hospitality, and cook, clean, prepare for a whole day only to see the judge's culinary skills, their own furniture , and their manners from the landlord. Offer his wife a bit like an inevitable exercise of the ius primae noctis and then having to hear the report card amateur declaim. And do it by choice.

And then: the best of the class will have been advantaged or disadvantaged in life by their appearance? We're going to break the chestnuts to the comrades, to friends still evidently complicated by the comparison, and arrears and to passers-by to find out! So, incredibly, no one escapes. We speak in public all the failures, the disappointments of life, at least it's an excuse to dress well.

It's not over, a young thirty-nine pounds is fat? A big man of centottantaquattro should lose weight? The only solution is to insert them both in an apartment like Big Brother, to abandon them while they cook all their crap, and force them to share the dishes, it being a face to face, as if an anorexic should require fifteen cheeseburgers to get out of his problem , el'omone two leaves of lettuce. All this is topped by a nutritionist che mostra alla vittima le sue foto in costume da bagno, per prendere coscienza del problema.

Sono moltissime le trasmissioni che obbligano i partecipanti a mostrarsi in bikini, mentre un medico afferra con disprezzo maniglie dell’amore e drappi di pelle in esubero.

A questo proposito vorrei entrare per un momento (non di più) nella testa di chi si sente a disagio con gli altri per un difetto fisico e per eliminarlo va dal chirurgo estetico facendosi visitare in diretta tv. Sublime.

Al posto del raccapricciante filmino in sala parto, cui erano costretti mariti verdognoli prima di crollare svenuti, e che mi chiedo da sempre chi mai rivedrà (rivedere il mio parto mi divertirebbe quanto assistere a un concerto di Apicella con un attacco di diarrea, e se ci penso meglio ci assomigliava), ora un’intera troupe televisiva invade le tue contrazioni, ma partendo dalla prima ecografia, con tanto di interviste al futuro nonno che si sente ancora giovane, all’amica sterile che piange, al medico che terrorizza di mestiere, con o senza TV – certe cose non cambiano mai.

Poi un cuoco con il carisma del sergente di Ufficiale e gentiluomo apre il suo ristorante di un centinaio di coperti costringendo una decina di cuochi in erba a cucinare menu da quindici portate impronunciabili, trattandoli come bestie e infliggendo punizioni durissime, per donare al vincitore il ristorante dei suoi sogni.

Infine, due allucinanti recorded, with his lanky checkered trousers above the ankle, and her face is completely washed out by the colors and features like maternity clothes and absurd, that law, a person undergoing torture at the crowds, how to dress, throwing in a bin metal the whole wardrobe of a person and requiring in return for questionable put fashionable prohibitively expensive.

are many, to accept all this, most do not understand if only for leading or pathological craving deep masochism.

What I learned from two weeks locked in the house? That perhaps the public flogging of collective catharsis typical of Holy Week, less charged and more abhorrent, or the pillory on the square the country, or the cruel exhibitions of freaks in a cage, gave a voice to people's needs so deep - to practice or to assist you, to atone or to see suffer, with a good stock of sadism - to represent a viable alternative this machine of universal mud, if only because it's easier to avoid.