When paleontologists if they were faced the first time, could not believe their eyes. Yet it took weeks of work to determine that the remains found in Patagonia were just what a 'super-dinosaur' known as' Futalognkosaurus Duke ', which in Mapuche language means' the head of the giant lizards "of a fossil 'animal, that 88 million of years ago lived in South America.
"It 's one of the three fossil' largest ever discovered in the world and the most 'comprehensive, as we have found 70% of the skeleton," said Jorge Calvo today , director of paleontology center of the University 'Comahue in Argentina, among the principal authors of a study on animals published in the Annals of the Academy Brazilian Scienzerilevando that the' head of the giant lizards' had a length between 32 and 24 meters , with a weight of 80 tons.
The experts spoke to the press a replica of a vertebra that has a length of 1.10 meters , with a weight that was to achieve 200-300 kilograms. They also stressed that the area where 'was discovered' Futalognkosaurus' were also found I had a thousand of animals and plants, which would allow "rebuild the ecosystem of the Cretaceous period with a precision never achieved before."
Scientists from Argentina and Brazil, the authors of the discovery, said the Patagonian dinosaur appears to represent an unknown species with a particular structure of the neck.
"The giant herbivore lived on earth about 88 million years ago." I am almost certain that this is a new species, "said Peter Mackovichy engaged in the discovery." I saw some remains of Futalognkosaurus and is really big, "he said.